CONVEYORS (HBG) -Towards Uncertain Address

Conveyors by Anders Weberg and Robert Willim from Anders Weberg on Vimeo.

A traffic hub is intended to provide predictable movement and transport. But you never quite know which motions and emotions will occur. So, how to depict or make sense of these kind of sites?

"In this space of flows the conveyors are brought to work … Download them to a mobile media player when you are there and find the spots where the material was recorded. The perceptions of your specific time spent at Knutpunkten will blend with the mediated sound and images from screen and headphones."

City symphonies have been a source of inspiration, but when approaching the traffic hub Knutpunkten we wanted to extend or twist the concept. We took the idea of movements of a symphony and distributed them into a spatial or psychogeographical layout.

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